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Which is the right season to clean my carpet?

The cleaning of our carpets is an issue that concerns us, mainly due to the time required to carry it out, in case we undertake their cleaning ourselves.

However, even if we do not do this task, we may wonder if we should deliver our carpets after the end or shortly before the start of winter for a professional cleaning.

Multiclean gives you answers about the advantages and disadvantages of each season regarding cleaning your carpets, as well as useful tips for the most appropriate season to do so.

Planning and frequency of carpet cleaning

First, it is important to specify the frequency and the method in which we clean our carpets.

In case our carpet needs a professional cleaning, what is the right time to do it?

Once in a while, when your carpet loses its color and looks dirty and worn out or when it needs to be cleaned anyway (at least once a year) in order to be kept clean, safe and free of microorganisms and germs?

Usually, by the time a carpet looks dirty, the damage has already been done.

Microorganisms, dirt and stains have penetrated into the deepest parts of the carpet and have destroyed its texture and quality, while at the same time it is a source of germs.

In this case, simple vacuum cleaning will be ineffective, as it will remove what is only on the surface.

Therefore, regular cleaning is the key to the longevity of your carpet and therefore to keeping it clean and in good condition before stains can penetrate deeper.

If carpet washing is done once a year, as is the case in most homes, we should conclude at which is the right time for it: spring, summer, autumn or winter.

The pros and cons of each season

Carpet cleaning in the spring

SpringSpring is typically considered one of the most popular seasons in the world for cleaning carpets. This is because then we have the so-called "change of season" or in other words the transition from the cold season to the warmer.

As a result, the house is more ventilated, and we need to clean what has been collected under the carpets of our house during the winter months.

Since our carpets are picked up at this time, we want to take care of their safe and best possible storage, thus resorting to cleaning them. Many undertake this part on their own, but many more turn to professional carpet cleaners, on the one hand to save effort and time and on the other hand in order to be sure of the result.

Spring is considered by many to be the ideal time to clean carpets, even if they remain laid at home, because with its arrival, allergies begin to appear. Therefore, cleaning at this season prevents the further spread of any allergens that tend to cling to our carpet.

On the other hand, during the spring period when we tend to open the windows more often, dust, pollen and germs are transferred to our carpets, which at this time multiply rapidly. Leaving carpets on the floor in combination with simply vacuuming them is an inefficient cleaning method.

Carpet cleaning in the summer


In the summer, we spend more time outdoors and many of us take vacations away from home.

This season is suitable for cleaning your carpet, since during the cleaning process and after it, you will need to not use it for a few hours until the whole day.

Since there is no reason to use your carpets during the summer months, we choose this period for washing them. So summer serves as the best time due to the fact that the carpets are not used that often.

However, the summer heat does not always make our purpose easier.

In summer, the atmosphere is dominated by moisture, which can be trapped in the carpets immediately after cleaning and washing if the air in the atmosphere can not adequately absorb it.

The accumulation of moisture in the carpet enhances unpleasant odors, making your carpet look more dirty than clean, while helping to multiply germs.

Carpet cleaning in the fall

FallAutumn is the second most popular season for carpet cleaning.

Returning from vacation, starting work and school, creates the feeling of a general preparation for the coming of winter, and therefore for the laying of carpets. It is the period when we want to have our carpets ready to be used at home.

So cleaning them can be done at that time so that the clean carpets can be used immediately after washing and drying.

Although autumn seems like an ideal time to clean up, it still may not be.

The movement at home is intense, and the return to the fast pace of the routine prevents us from getting into this process.

After all, the time required to keep our carpet out of use after cleaning is enough when we are in a hurry to do everything quickly. Rather, we should reconsider.

Carpet cleaning in the winter

WinterWe can assume that the best time to clean our carpets is when they are most used. This way we can avoid the spread of germs and dust and remove surface stains.

Indeed, cleaning of our carpets in the winter is a great way to improve the air quality in our home and partially remove dust, stains and germs.

In winter, we usually keep the house closed to keep the environment as warm as possible. This results in the retention of moisture in the space.

The winter weather is not an ally of the correct and complete cleaning of our carpet. Cold and humidity will greatly delay the drying of the carpet when you need it at home more than any other season.

Sure, if you turn to carpet cleaning professionals you will be able to do dry carpet cleaning, but if you do the work yourself, cleaning may be an inefficient and difficult task as it will take a long time.

Multiclean undertakes the dry cleaning of your carpets efficiently and without committing your time, even during the winter months.

For more information, you can contact us.

So which season is the most suitable for carpet cleaning?

Cleaning our carpets is necessary and essential to maintain them over time.

For this reason, at regular intervals we should clean our carpets, even superficially, using a vacuum cleaner.

You can find tips for cleaning your carpets (and more) in our carpet cleaning articles.

Complete cleaning of your carpets can be done in all seasons, but you should think about which is more convenient for you and whether it is favored by external conditions.

Considering the advantages and disadvantages of each cleaning season, we conclude that the most ideal time to clean our carpets is spring, and that is because during that period they are picked up and stored so that they can be reused immediately after the end of summer.

Still, the weather is favorable while at the same time we are not limited to opening the windows for the renewal of the air in our space and fast drying of our carpets.

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