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How to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene of your home

Every house, whether it is a large apartment, a large detached house, or whether it is a small apartment or studio, gets dirty.

Keeping our home clean has nothing to do with its size, but with the way and frequency we choose to clean it.

It is true that taking care of our home requires time and effort, which makes our daily life even more difficult as the routine "runs" and while we are already tired enough from work and obligations, we are asked to put additional tasks on our schedule.

However, there are solutions that can make this process easier and less tiring for us.

Multiclean suggests the following ways that you can easily maintain the cleanliness and good hygiene of your home so that it constitutes a safe and at the same time pleasant living environment.

Follow a proper house cleaning procedure

Carpet cleaning MulticlenThe sequence of cleaning actions is an important part of the success of its result.

If you have carpets at home, you should give priority to cleaning them as they are important centers of germs which can spread throughout the house and its furniture.

Read how dangerous a dirty carpet is for our health.

If you haven't had your carpets cleaned this year, or it's been a while since the last cleaning, then the first move you should consider is contacting our experts for professional carpet cleaning.

If you have just received your carpets, then the emphasis should be on maintaining them until their next professional cleaning.

In our articles, you will find many carpet cleaning tips to help you maintain them.

Depending on the cleaning spots or stains you will encounter, if you have questions or are not sure how to deal with them, you can contact our cleaning experts.

Start with the areas with the most traffic

The areas of the house that should be cleaned more often compared to the rest are also those that are used the most and in which different people move.

For example, both the living room and the bathroom as well as the kitchen are areas of increased mobility not only by us but also by our guests.

The cleaning of these areas should be scheduled during the week so as not to be neglected. It is suggested to set a specific day when you will carry out the task of cleaning your living room and kitchen.

In addition, since these are common areas used by all members of a family, each job can be divided.


Kitchen cleaning

In the kitchen, a series of daily actions is important so that the volume of work and cleaning does not pile up in the space.

The daily washing of the dishes as well as the wiping of dirty surfaces are actions that prevent us from time-consuming work and at the same time contribute to maintaining the cleanliness of the area.

Be sure to clean the kitchen sink often because it tends to collect bacteria and food particles. It can be cleaned with any all-purpose cleaner.

Finally, it is extremely important to take out the trash that accumulates in our kitchen and bathroom bins every day, so that no additional germs are produced in our home.

Living Room

Living room cleaning by Multiclean

The best way to clean the living room, like any room in the house, is to start from the top of the room down or from its corners so that dust and dirt are not transferred during cleaning.

For example, when sweeping your living room floor, the correct way to sweep is to always start from the corners that are deeper in the room and work your way to those corners that are closest to doors and windows.

Regarding maintaining the cleanliness of our living room, we should pay more attention to the parts that are used the most, such as sofas and armchairs. In those places, we usually spend the most hours of relaxation and rest, so they can get dirty much more easily and develop odors.

Their cleaning process is easy and quite effective.

  • First, we should vacuum all areas of our sofa or armchair to remove germs and surface dust.
  • Then, if there are stains or unpleasant odors, you can pour a small amount of baking soda with water and let the mixture work for about half an hour and then wipe.

For better results both in the cleanliness and hygiene of our home, our company recommends a comprehensive on-site cleaning package for your living room, which includes cleaning services for silk, satin, cotton, fabric furniture, carpets and rugs, as well as special rinsing and disinfection treatment of space.

However, this process requires specialized knowledge and professional maintenance, especially when you have leather sofas in your home. Also, it is good to carry out once at regular intervals if we wish to have a complete cleaning result of our space and to be sure that the best possible hygienic living conditions are ensured in our home.

Multiclean specializes in on-site living room cleanings, among other things, and provides premium packages of comprehensive professional cleanings that guarantee a healthy and safe environment for you and your family. You can find out about our living room cleaning services.

Focus on the surfaces you touch the most

High contact areas with hands are also those that should be cleaned on a daily basis. Such areas are usually doorknobs, table and desk tops, countertops, faucets, remote controls, and switches.

It is equally important to clean the tile floors quite often (2-3 times a week), since many germs and dirt transferred from the outside environment gather there.

They can be cleaned either with the use of a simple cleaner or with white vinegar, the amount of which we should be careful not to damage our tiles.


Regarding room spaces, the way to avoid the accumulated work of cleaning them is to regularly pack up what we move.

Thus, we will make sure that we have a "clean" view of the space and an extra burden will not be added to the cleaning process such as tidying up our space.

Cleaning the rooms includes a series of actions, i.e. emptying the bins, opening the windows to ventilate the space, changing the sheets, dusting, sweeping and mopping.

However, there are still some procedures that we should take into account and carry out from time to time for the good hygiene of our home.

First, we should know that there are microorganisms that we cannot distinguish with the naked eye, especially in objects such as the mattress, the quilt, the blanket.

For this reason, simple vacuuming is not effective, because what it actually does is simply remove microorganisms and dust, not neutralize them.

Bio mattress cleaning

Multiclean recommends the professional bio-cleaning of your mattresses.

It is a process of both professional and biological cleaning that must be done at regular intervals for the good hygiene of our mattresses and by extension for the safety of your health.

It is a revolutionary method used to effectively and safely eliminate all polluting germs present inside your mattress using the Healthway Deluxe Professional 9 Stage Air Purifier. You can read more about our service here.

Regarding cleaning duvets and blankets, because we tend to store them in the summer months, it is natural for them to develop odors due to the closure.

In this case, not only their natural ventilation and exposure to the sun is sufficient, but they need to go through the washing process. It is good to wash the quilt or the blanket every 2-3 months.

At Multiclean, we carry out this task by placing the quilt or blanket in special industrial washing machines so that it can be washed individually.

Finally, we make sure to use hypoallergenic detergents when washing. You can find all the necessary information you need about the service we offer by reading duvets - blankets washing.

For any questions you may have regarding the cleaning of your home, do not hesitate to contact us.

Your safety is our priority.

At Multiclean, protecting our customers is a top priority.
For this reason, we have taken strict measures to ensure your safety at every stage of our services. Our staff is fully vaccinated against Covid-19, wears a mask and is subjected to regular testing and temperature checks.

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