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How dangerous can a dirty carpet be for our health?

Have you ever wondered what is on the carpet in your house?

You may not want to ask, but you should know in any case in order to avoid unpleasant consequences for your home and your health.

A quick look at our carpet is not enough to tell if it is dirty or not, as most of the factors that make it unsafe for our health are usually invisible microorganisms that we can not detect with the naked eye.

This fact, combined with the fact that non-professional carpet cleaning is not effective in removing germs in depth, leads to their increasing growth.

Therefore, analyzing the reasons why dirty carpets negatively affect our health, we conclude that the main factor is the ambient air.

The air we breathe

Dirty carpetThe quality of the air we breathe every day is more important than we think.

It is said that we inhale about 220,000,000 particles every day. Depending on additional factors, this means that the average person inhales a huge amount of pollutants such as:

  • mold
  • viruses
  • bacteria
  • steam
  • lead
  • animal hair
  • dust
  • chemical substances 
  • toxins

Inside our home, it is estimated that air quality is 2 to 3 times more toxic than the outside environment and based on other complex conditions the difference tends to multiply.

This results in problems being created in the human body, whether it involves allergies or more serious issues such as respiratory problems.

Especially for people who are already dealing with health issues, the attention required for the cleanliness of the interiors is imperative.

Why is it so difficult to know if our carpet is safe for our health?

The carpets from their construction have the property of collecting the atmospheric air in order to heat the space.

Therefore, they attract everything that coexists in the air that enters from the outside into the internal environment and so everything that settles in our house from the outside, including all microorganisms and parasitic beings.

Thus, we can not perceive their existence since we can not respectively perceive their entry into our space or home.

What are the health issues that can be caused?

Health risks from dust and mold on the carpet

Carpets need frequent cleaning because otherwise they can be a significant risk to our health.

Dirty carpets can become the best living conditions for pests such as mold and other nesting organisms. In particular, if over time they are not cleaned and continue to exist on the carpet, they can prove to be offensive to human health and well-being.

The immediate consequence of this is their dispersion in the air we breathe and the creation of respiratory problems, skin allergies and even asthma.

Respiratory problems

Hair on a dirty carpetMold, pet hair and dead cells that are on the carpet for a very long time are now trapped in it and can make the human body sick, causing respiratory problems.

The increasing movement of pollutants that is perpetuated in the air through our carpet can cause coughing or difficulty breathing. For people who are already suffering from health problems, the symptoms may be more severe and worsen the condition of their body.

Important tip: If you have small children at home, it is advisable to avoid placing their hands in their mouths after direct contact with your carpet or rug.

Allergic reactions

Runny noseDirty carpets often have a negative effect on people who generally have allergies. The parasites and mold themselves that cause respiratory problems can also cause a number of allergic reactions in humans.

More specifically, any disturbance caused to your carpet e.g. shaking, walking on it, etc., pushes the body of an allergic person to the manifestation of allergy and this is because the long stay of microorganisms and dead cells in the carpet results in their continuous multiplication.

The symptoms of allergic reactions can be summarized as follows: redness of the nose and runny nose, skin rashes and itching or in the worst case allergic shock.

Skin irritations and possible mite infestations

Irritation of the skinΤο έκζεμα αλλά και οι δερματικές αντιδράσεις που αναφέρθηκαν προηγουμένως είναι κίνδυνοι που είναι πολύ πιθανό να προκύψουν από χαλιά που παραμένουν βρώμικα.

Eczema as well as the skin reactions mentioned earlier are dangers that are very likely to arise from carpets that remain dirty.

It is important to note that even if you maintain a regular cleaning program for your home, including cleaning your carpets either by washing or using a vacuum cleaner, however, some pests and dust mites are tiny enough to still avoid even the most diligent cleaners.

Important tip: Our team recommends, in addition to the regular cleaning of your carpets, the use of dehumidifiers in areas where there are carpets because the less moisture there is in a room, the less the possibility of multiplication of germs and pests.

What is the best way to reduce the amount of dirt trapped on my carpet?

A clean environment is safe for our health, however an even cleaner environment is preferable and safer. 

In short, regular cleaning of the house in general and our carpets in particular, is necessary in order to ensure our hygiene conditions.

This can be done with the use of a vacuum cleaner, special cleaners for carpets and the house but also with proper ventilation of the space avoiding the creation of moisture in the environment of our home.

In our articles you will find tips for cleaning carpets and mattresses, for example read ways to deal with the 10 worst stains on our carpets.

Information on carpet cleaning during coronavirus (covid 19) is also very important.

Emphasize your health with complete, in-depth carpet cleaning

Certainly, the cleaning we do at home is a prerequisite for an environment that is as safe as possible for health, as it temporarily stops the problem.

However, in order to achieve the complete cleaning that our carpet requires, in order to safely remove all the dirt that is trapped in it, we recommend their professional cleaning at least once a year. This process helps not only in terms of time savings, but also efficiency.

At Multiclean, our team specializes in carpet cleaning and guarantees you a complete and reliable result.

During the cleaning stage, we ensure your safety and hygiene by washing each carpet separately and using special hypoallergenic cleaners that are Woolsafe approved as well as by the NHO.

For more information, you can contact us here or search for our services through our website.

Your safety is our priority.

At Multiclean, protecting our customers is a top priority.
For this reason, we have taken strict measures to ensure your safety at every stage of our services. Our staff is fully vaccinated against Covid-19, wears a mask and is subjected to regular testing and temperature checks.

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