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How to keep carpets clean when you live with children

How to keep carpets clean when you live with children

Παιδί παίζει πάνω σε χαλίKeeping our carpets clean is a difficult task in itself as carpet by its nature has the ability to retain heat as well as anything suspended in the surrounding area such as dust, dirt and germs.

How harmful can these pollutants be to our health? You can find out in our related article about how dangerous a dirty carpet can be for our health.

Especially if we have children at home, this fact makes our purpose even more difficult, mainly because young children do not care about staying clean.

On the contrary, playing on the carpet and eating and drinking around it increase the risk of spreading germs and dust, while at the same time negatively affecting the general cleanliness of our carpet.

It is certain that children need play, just as it is certain that they will get dirty or dirty the carpets, but instead of strictly limiting them, we can take care of the frequent cleaning of our carpets so that they rest on as clean surfaces as possible every time.

But how do we keep our carpets clean when the kids are running around the house almost constantly?

Dust and stains on the carpets make the house look dirty and messy, and these conditions are unhealthy for us and our children.

Many times it happens that food or drink falls on the carpet, or even substances that make us worry about how easy they are to clean and what impact they will have on our carpet.

You can see tips to stop the problem temporarily in our article on how to deal with the 10 worst carpet stains.

The possibilities that contribute to the wear and tear of our carpet are more when there are children in the area, because due to their carelessness and play, they often become careless. For all these reasons, it is important to find a way to keep our carpets clean, even if our children "make sure" of the opposite.

The Multiclean team, specialist in carpet cleaning, suggests below some ways to clean your carpets when you live with children.

Ways to clean carpets when living with children

Our carpets on average collect around 40kg of dust in just one year. This number is clearly much higher when there are children or pets in our house.

You can see related cleaning tips in our article on how I can clean my carpet when I have a pet.

In order to make cleaning easier and more efficient, you may need to adopt cleaning habits that others who don't have children may ignore.

By following a specific routine in how you clean your carpets, you can go some way to ensuring that dirt, dust and germs are removed from them.

Below we present some measures to achieve your goal.

1. Frequent use of the vacuum cleaner

Carpet cleaning with a vacuum cleanerThere is no more direct way to clean your carpet than using a vacuum cleaner to remove stains quickly and easily.

Αν και με αυτή τη μέθοδο τα χαλιά μας δεν καθαρίζονται σε βάθος, εντούτοις το συχνό πέρασμα των χαλιών με ηλεκτρική σκούπα είναι αναγκαίο για να μη φθαρούν τα χαλιά μας. 

As tedious and time-consuming as it may seem, with the right equipment we succeed in keeping our space always clean. The correct method of cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is to move wall-to-wall, that is, not to leave any corner dirty. An important element is to insist on the points where the most intense movement of our children takes place.

How often should I vacuum my carpets?

The ideal is to use the vacuum cleaner at least three times a week.

Thus, the dust that has formed on the surface of the carpet will be successfully removed and the environment of your home will be more healthy for you and your children.

Reach even the most inaccessible parts of your home, because that's where we usually have the greatest concentrations of dust and dirt.

2. Placing small carpets at the entrances of the house and rooms

Small mats

If you live with children in your home, it is good not to walk with the shoes in areas that the kids move more frequently.

To avoid the transfer of germs from the external environment to the environment of our home, we can place small mats at the entrances of both the apartment and the rooms and wipe our feet there before removing the shoes.

This preventive method helps to limit the germs and dust mites present in the space where small children move, that is, in the environment where they roll, play and walk.

3. Quick cleaning of stains

Quick carpet cleaning by hand

Even if a stain is caused by food or drink, it is important to clean it very quickly so that it does not penetrate into the deeper layers of our carpet.

If the stain is not cleaned immediately, then it may become permanent in our carpet and we cannot remove it easily.

In addition, it is especially important not to rub the stain but to dab lightly with a damp cloth before washing it.

Stains that are not easily removed at home are the number one reason people turn to professional carpet cleaning companies for their carpets.

4. Determine the play areas

Children's play area

When there are children in our house, it's best to make it clear to them what their play area is.

Thus, on the one hand the play area becomes more specific and on the other hand we manage to somehow limit the spread of germs.

Knowing the space we have to clean the most in the house, we become more attentive to it, either by cleaning it more often or by introducing our children to its cleanliness.

For example, if we isolate a carpet that is in a certain area in our house and consider that "we can go there to play", then it is good to clarify certain conditions on it. We can avoid stepping on this area with shoes or dirty socks and thus keep the carpet clean and shiny. At the same time, while supervising, we are ready to immediately clean the stain that may occur.

5. Install carpet tiles

Carpet tiles

Carpet tiles are a good solution for taking care of the cleanliness of your space. This is an economical option that requires little storage space and is easy to transport.

Carpet tiles are small pieces of carpet that are installed in any pattern and design you can imagine.

Their main advantage is that if a stain develops on them, you will only need to replace the damaged part of the carpet and not the entire carpet as you would otherwise.

Carpet tiles are ideal in areas where children move around, as they are easier to clean or replace.

6. Waterproofing of carpets and rugs

Carpet waterproofingA very effective way to avoid stains, especially on carpets and rugs, is with the method of waterproofing.

In this way we can protect them against stains such as coffee, blood, red wine and others.

Carpet waterproofing creates an invisible protective film that does not alter the texture, color or appearance of the surface it is applied to.

It offers great protection against stains as well as fungi and fading, and makes future cleaning a lot easier.

7. Annual professional cleaning

Multiclean carpet cleaningThe most basic way to keep your carpet clean outside of caring for it through frequent cleaning is annual professional cleaning.

It is extremely important that our carpets are given at least once a year to professionals who can ensure their comprehensive care and cleaning so that we receive them every year as if they were new.

Through the specialized cleaning method by an experienced crew, we extend the durability of our carpet while at the same time taking care of our health.

Let's not forget that a damaged and poorly maintained carpet can contain germs and mites that affect the health of our skin or even worse our respiratory health.

Multiclean, having years of experience in the field of carpet cleaning, guarantees a reliable result of complete cleaning of your carpets.

You can read more information about carpet cleaning and contact us here.

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